As we prepare to enter the fall and gear back up for the program year, we are looking for individuals ready to help with the creation of weekly worship. There are a few important roles that we are hoping to fill and find people willing to join the rest of the team in meaning making work we do.
Preaching: Once a month Rev. Zackrie is away from Cedars, and we need people willing to preach and lead services on these dates. This is your chance to share your thoughts on a topic with the rest of the community. Preaching can also provide you with a chance to deepen your own understanding on a topic as you research, write, and reflect in preparation for your service.
Worship Tech Team: As we continue to navigate the presence of COVID-19 and begin conceptualizing what comes next with our online presence, we need people to assist with the technology side of things. Currently we hope to find a few individuals to help with recording and video editing. No prior experience is necessary, but it does help to have a familiarity with technology and a willingness to learn.
Worship Associates: In this role you get a chance to work with Rev. Zackrie and other service leaders to reflect on a topic and share your voice with others. This is a great opportunity for people to develop as a public speaker or experiment with creative ways of conveying an idea. In addition, being a worship associate is a great way to become more widely known within the Cedars community.
If you are interested in joining the worship team in any of these roles or have questions, please email Rev. Zackrie at