Our Mission: Nurture a learning spirit
We are committed to providing children, youth, young adults, and adults an opportunity to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community. Unitarian Universalist religious education programs offer all ages, inspiring:
- Ethical growth – internalizing enduring values like justice, equity, and compassion, and gaining tools to act on them in everyday life.
- Social growth – connecting with peers and people of all ages on a deeper level. Finding acceptance among people who see beyond the superficial.
- Spiritual growth – feeling a connection with the sacred within, among, and beyond us.
Every week during the Sunday service, we offer a story that appeals to children (and, we hope, grownups too!).
Click here for information about our children and youth programs.
Click here for information about our programs for adults
Parent Chalice Circle Forming February 4, 2022 by Carolyn Kerns - Would you like to meet regularly with other Cedars parents? Our Parent Chalice Circle is a new venture of the Cedars Faith Formation Committee. The idea is to create a space where parents, grandparents, and caregivers can meet to share… more Parent Chalice Circle November 5, 2021 by Carolyn Kerns - Parent Chalice Circle - November 14th - 7:00-8:00 pm on Zoom The Parent Chalice Circle is a new Cedars venture of the Faith Formation Committee. The idea is to create a space where parents, grandparents, and caregivers can meet regularly… more Introducing YUUP December 12, 2020 by Admin - Do you know any high school students who would like to explore Unitarian Universalism with other high schoolers? YUUP (the Young Unitarian Universalists Project) is launching a platform to connect high school youth from around the country. They are hosting… more Chalice Lighting as a Spiritual Practice October 8, 2020 by Admin - Faith Formation at Cedars You may have noticed a number of different folks lighting and extinguishing the chalice each week. It's part of an effort to get more people involved in the service, part of an effort to make sure… more Paying Attention as a Spiritual Practice September 25, 2020 by Admin - Faith Formation at CedarsFinding ways to pay attention when the world feels overwhelming can help us find and keep our balance. First shared on the Cedars Facebook page, this video from Kathryn Jay explores rewarding possibilities in this spiritual practice. https://youtu.be/ySSKxOTSIFI more Faith Formation Lead Joins Cedars Staff August 7, 2020 by Carolyn Kerns - Rev. Zackrie Vinczen is pleased to announce that Kathryn Jay will join Cedars as the new Faith Formation Lead (formerly Director of Religious Education). In this role, Kathryn will partner with us to look at new possibilities for programming that… more Religious Education News May 22, 2020 by Admin - RE Classes Suspended RE Classes will not meet again until worship services resume at The Island School. -The Religious Education Committee more
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