Beacon Style Guide
How to Submit Content for the Beacon
We welcome items for our weekly Beacon newsletter. Before submitting your article or announcement, please consider these tips:
- Be brief. People are increasingly bombarded by information and their time is scarce. Give them the important info up front and remember that the shorter a piece is, the more likely it will be read.
- Be relevant. Your item should directly connect to at least one of our shared Unitarian Universalist principles and to our congregation, our PNW District, the UUA or our Bainbridge Island & North Kitsap community.
- Be thorough. Please double-check your item for spelling, grammar, punctuation and, most importantly, correct information. If you’re submitting an event announcement, please include a street address, a date, start and end times and contact information.
- Be current. If any critical details have changed about your item after it was published, please let us know ASAP. We won’t be able to un-send a newsletter we’ve released, but we can correct it on our web site and possibly publish a correction in a subsequent e-mail issue.
- Be on time. Our deadline is Friday at 11:00 a.m. for the following Friday Beacon e-mail publication. Please submit your item for publication by emailing it to Please do not try to format your submission. Please send just plain text in your email.
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Brief Style Guide For Beacon Announcements
- Keep the title of the announcement concise and relatively short — e.g. in the range of about 40 to 60 characters — emphasizing what’s unique about the announcement.
- Put most important information at the beginning of the announcement. Dates and places should appear in the first paragraph.
- Format all times as follows: 2:00 p.m. or 8:00 a.m.
- Format all dates as follows: January 14, 2017
- Format all titles in title case with only the first letter of significant words capitalized. Articles and prepositions do not need to be capitalized. For example: The Rebirth of the Sun Celebration.
- Use only 1 space between sentences.
- Bold proper names of Cedars Members.
- Italicize book titles.
- Numbers less than 10 should be spelled out.
- Identify the team, committee, or group submitting the announcement so the announcement can be categorized appropriately.
If you have questions please contact