Our Annual All Congregational Meeting is on June 9th directly after the service. During this meeting, members will be able to vote on important agenda items. All Members and Friends are welcome to attend.
We will be voting on:
- An Advisory Vote on proposed revisions to the UUA’s Article II section of their bylaws. This advisory vote, while not binding, will inform our delegates as they make this important vote at General Assembly in two weeks. LINKS: Proposed changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws; Comparison of Current 7 Principles to Proposed Values
- Acceptance of The Rev. Jessica Star Rockers as an Affiliate Community Minister. Rev. Jessica has asked Rev. Zackrie Vinczen and the Board of Trustees if Cedars UU Church would accept her as an “Affiliated Community Minister”; which refers to those who have collaborated with and developed a mutually benefiting relationship with a specific congregation or UU organization to serve the community as a Unitarian Universalist. This is not a paid position, but rather an understanding between Cedars, Rev. Zackrie, and Rev. Jessica that acknowledges her ministry through our congregation. LINK: Affiliate Minister Agreement.
- Adopting the presented 2024-2025 budget. The Board and the Budget Leadership Team have worked hard to present a budget that will allow us to maintain Cedars programs and look toward growth in the coming year. LINKS: Budget Leadership Team Memo; 2024-25 Proposed Budget
- Voting on Board of Trustees Candidates; Rod Kempkes and Andrea Barnes’ 2 year term expires this year, but they are willing to extend their term one more year. We will vote on an extension to their terms. Gregory Cook, Sandy Spears and Rebecca Kim are on our slate of candidates for a two year term on the Board of Trustees.
The democratic process is a hallmark of the Unitarian Universalist experience. I always learn a great deal from our congregational meetings, and become more invested in the work we all do together. I look forward to seeing you there.
Jeff Philip
President, Board of Trustees