Film Fans


Thursday, May 12, 2022    
7:00 pm

Event Type

Returning for a new season of movie viewing and discussion, Cedars members and friends recently reorganized as Film Fans are continuing their monthly activities and welcoming participation by other movie fans.

Group members typically view selected films on their own and then gather virtually to discuss, analyze, and interpret the month’s selection. Film selections are proposed on a rotating basis by individual members who then lead the discussion sessions.

The film Passing, currently showing on Netflix, will be discussed over Zoom. Linda and Barry Andrews will host the discussion, Jane Martin will host the Zoom meeting, and all those interested are invited to join the discussion.

Feel free to spread the word among friends, since Film Fans is not exclusively a Cedars group; rather, a chance to connect with other folks interested in movies and meaty discussions.

For more information contact Joan Spencer or Linda Andrews.