At this time of physical distancing, the Bainbridge Super Suppers have been suspended. But, thankfully, there are creative local efforts that have assured that those who need meals can get them. The Social Action Committee would like to highlight and applaud these programs. If you know anyone who needs food support, please share this information about options open to them.
BARN Bites: BARN’s culinary arts crew is offering free meal packages that include meals for 4 days. Pickup is Friday afternoons. Register for these meals by logging on at BARN BitesIf you cannot pick up the meal package, call Island Volunteer Caregivers at (206) 842-4441. They will order the food package, pick it up, and deliver it.
Helpline: Open weekday afternoons for food pickup. There are no pre-cooked meals. Home delivery is available. Find details at Helpline Food.
Fishline: Services are available for North Kitsap residents needing food or emergency services, including help with housing, utilities, and other basic needs. If you are new to Fishline or need information in a hurry, visit the Quick Guide by clicking Guide for services and registration information. Fishline’s Market is a grocery store-style market stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, canned goods, dairy, eggs, meat, and bakery items. Clients may shop as often as two times per week.
Meals on Wheels: Meals on Wheels provides 5 frozen meals, delivered curbside at the BI Senior Center on Thursdays between 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. for those over 60 years old. Register by 2:00 p.m. on the prior Wednesday at (360) 377-8511. For more details, go to Meals on Wheels.
We live in a wonderful, caring area! If you wish to support these food support efforts, consider donating to any of the following: Bainbridge BARN, Helpline House, Fishline, Island Caregivers, or Meals on Wheels. And thanks for spreading the word!
Social Action Committee