Speaker: Guest Minister - Rev. Barbara Gliday
Rev. Barbara Gilday came to professional ministry in mid-life, but her life has been full of inquiry, diversity, social justice, connecting and sharing with others: Teaching in Ghana, Hosting Japanese Exchange Programs, developing peer tutoring programs, hosting a Ukrainian refugee, to name a few. Currently, she is exploring in new and deeper ways, how we continue to find joy in, and give value to life as our capacities change. Barbara is the grateful member of a loving, blended family, and mom to a young rescue dog, Marley, who keeps her physically active.
Visiting an elderly uncle in Toronto recently, I was shocked to discover that he was actively dying and none of his 5 children or other family members was present. I realized that in our culture, we have very little information or encouragement to be present in this difficult but transformational and often deeply spiritual time. … Continue reading Afraid of attending a dying person? Why you needn’t be.