Topic: Spirituality

Spiritual Life as an Ecotone

This talk will focus on the potent inner/outer landscape: the intersection between who we feel we are internally and how we behave in the world. As areas of confluence in the natural world, ecotones are especially rich in biodiversity. Viewing ecotones as a concept, we can begin to apply their value in human contexts – … Continue reading Spiritual Life as an Ecotone

Afraid of attending a dying person? Why you needn’t be.

Visiting an elderly uncle in Toronto recently, I was shocked to discover that he was actively dying and none of his 5 children or other family members was present. I realized that in our culture, we have very little information or encouragement to be present in this difficult but transformational and often deeply spiritual time. … Continue reading Afraid of attending a dying person? Why you needn’t be.

The Perfectly Imperfect Example

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Rev. Zackrie Vinczen, MinisterMike Cox, Worship AssociateClinton Lee Scott wrote that “It is easier to venerate saints than to learn the human qualities of their sainthood.”  Join us for this service as we consider the perfectly … Continue reading The Perfectly Imperfect Example

Poetic Form

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Rev. Zackrie VinczenArcher Philip, Worship Associate What makes a poem a poem? What features distinguish poetry from other forms of writing? Why is Rev. Zackrie so in love with poetry? In this service, we will consider some … Continue reading Poetic Form

Our Shared Liberation

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Rev. Deanna VandiverPenny Brewster, Worship Associate In the face of dehumanization, devastation, and death, humans have gathered throughout the centuries to create life-affirming communities of faith. Here, together, we practice the art and science of loving each … Continue reading Our Shared Liberation

Spiritual Imagination

Rev. Zackrie Vinczen; Mike Cox, Worship Associate  The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link. Many spiritual practices help us to cultivate a deeper sense of imagination by asking us to engage our minds in visualization, deep focus, or simply following the threads of a particular thought process. Join us as we explore the imaginative … Continue reading Spiritual Imagination

Somewhere on the Road to Damascus

Virtual Worship Service Rev. Zackrie Vinczen, MinisterGrace, Worship Associate The link to the Service is: YouTube link. Somewhere on the road to Damascus Saul became Paul. Somewhere under a Bodhi tree Siddhartha awoke as the Buddha. And somewhere today the next generation of spiritual leaders is waking up to the realities of the world. In this … Continue reading Somewhere on the Road to Damascus

Moved by the Spirit

Virtual Worship Service Kathryn Jay, Faith Formation LeadMike Cox, Worship Associate The YouTube link to the service is: Sunday Worship Service. Even though Carolyn McDade’s Spirit of Life is a much beloved hymn, many UUs feel a little uncomfortable when “the spirit” gets expressed too overtly. Join us in this service to explore how we can … Continue reading Moved by the Spirit

“Music and Being”

Virtual Worship Service Susan T. Mashiyama, PhD, Guest SpeakerJenny Weaver, Worship Associate Music can move us to tears, help us to learn, call us to battle, and inspire us to dance with joy. As we move forward into the New Year, join former biology researcher and current UU music leader and harp player Susan T. … Continue reading “Music and Being”