We had a successful Stewardship Campaign over the past month, with several people making significant increases to their pledges. We still have about twenty pledges yet to come in and will be following up with those folks over the next week. Of course, knowing what to expect from your generous pledges in the coming year allows the congregation to set a budget that is reasonable.
Tonight, I encourage you to join us at Cedars Center to watch the Disney movie Inside Out. It is an animated film, but explores the complex changes we experience in childhood dealing with a variety of evolving emotions. Next month, Inside Out 2 is in theaters, and we will go as a group to see that one too. After each movie, we will have a discussion to process out thoughts (and emotions).
On June 9, at our annual Congregational Meeting, we will be voting on our annual budget, the new board for the coming year, and an advisory vote on the UUA Article II Bylaw changes. Lots of opportunities to engage over the next few weeks. I look forward to seeing you.
Jeff Philip
President, Board of Trustees