A Climate In Crisis: The Path Forward

In-person service in Webster Hall. John Kydd will be our Guest Speaker with Jenny Weaver the Worship Associate. Our July Special Collection will be collected at this Service. The collection will be for FISHLINE, a local non-profit, whose mission is providing food and emergency services to our neighbors in need. Charlie Thompson, Fishline’s Executive Director,  … Continue reading A Climate In Crisis: The Path Forward

Becoming Abolition: Collective Care

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Link Rev. Deana Vandiver, Guest SpeakerJohanna Munson, Worship Associate Abolition begins with choosing each other. Let us begin.

Courage: Finding Strength in a Constantly Changing World

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Link Jenny Weaver, Guest SpeakerNancy Philip, Worship Associate Exploring themes of strength, resiliency, and fear, as we navigate through a constantly changing world as Unitarian Universalists.