Topic: Community Building

Finding Common Ground in a Time of Division

We are living in a time of great division within our country. Tyler and Mike will discuss why we believe finding common ground is important for the health of our families, communities and country. We will be breaking up into small groups to explore what we can do as individuals and as a congregation to … Continue reading Finding Common Ground in a Time of Division

Once Only

This service near the beginning of the new year will, Janus-like, look both ways. Following a sermon message engaging Denise Levertov’s poem “Once Only” as its text, it will include a “Composting Communion,” then, in community, greet the New Year! Rev. Bruce A. Bode is Minister Emeritus at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (QUUF) in … Continue reading Once Only

Sharing Our Sustenance

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Helping our community thrive, this service will feature a food drive for those who are struggling to feed families or themselves. Our generosity can make Thanksgiving dinner tables more memorably satisfying in the homes of those … Continue reading Sharing Our Sustenance

New Member Recognition

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Rev. Zackrie Vinczen, MinisterArcher Philip, Worship Associate This Sunday we gather to welcome the newest members of the Cedars Community. We hope you join us for this joyous event as we reflect on the meaning of … Continue reading New Member Recognition

Equity in our Community

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Guest Speakers: Brandi Bispham, Adrian Malatesta, Laura Van Dyke, Renni BisphamKeri Schmit, Worship Associate Have you heard about Critical Race Theory and the challenges to school curriculums in places like Texas and Florida? Do you think that would … Continue reading Equity in our Community

Our Shared Liberation

In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link Rev. Deanna VandiverPenny Brewster, Worship Associate In the face of dehumanization, devastation, and death, humans have gathered throughout the centuries to create life-affirming communities of faith. Here, together, we practice the art and science of loving each … Continue reading Our Shared Liberation

I’ve Got Your Back

Rev. Zackrie Vinczen; Tyler Weaver, Worship Associate  The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link. Improvisers often say “I’ve got your back” before a show, but what does this actually mean and how can this mentality help us build a more supportive community? Coffee Hour will follow the service.

Learning From Each Other

Rev. Zackrie Vinczen; Grace, Worship Associate The link to the service is: YouTube Video Link. Being in community provides us a chance to challenge formal notions of education and learn from each other in non-conventional ways. Join us for this service as we consider the different ways that we can be both learners and teachers in … Continue reading Learning From Each Other

Towards an Anti-Racist Patriotism

Virtual Worship Service Rev. Cecilia Kingman, Acting Senior MinisterJohanna Munson, Visit Coordinator We will be virtually visiting Edmonds UU Church for the service on July 4th, with a sermon from Rev. Cecilia Kingman. This service is live-streamed on Facebook.