Topic: Inspiration

Becoming Midwives to a Changing World

In the Celtic world this is a time called Imbolc, known to bring the gift of insight and inspiration. A time to bring our curiosity, our questioner forward, to act as midwives for what brings justice and truth to a world badly in need. How might we discern between how we live currently and what … Continue reading Becoming Midwives to a Changing World

Inspired by Our Ancestors

Rev. Jessica Star Rockers, Guest Minister Nancy Philip, Worship Associate Amidst a season of change—and in an era that often feels overwhelming and chaotic—let’s take a moment to remember those who came before us. We’ll gather inspiration from their creativity, express gratitude for their sacrifices, and imagine a future of joyful community care.

The Shift to a New Story

Fran Korten, Guest Speaker Gregory Cook, Worship Associate In the Bible, Genesis tells us that God gave man dominion over all the creatures of the Earth. That “old story” is well embedded in our culture with many dysfunctional results. We need a “new story” that recognizes we are simply one species among many other species, … Continue reading The Shift to a New Story

Emerson & Me

Rev. Barry Andrews, Guest MinisterJenny Weaver, Worship Associate For many people today, Ralph Waldo Emerson is a quaint relic of the nineteenth century, or worse yet, a dead white male with little to offer contemporary Americans. Not so for me. I have spent many years reading and reflecting on his writings. I have taught classes, … Continue reading Emerson & Me

The Last Place You Looked

Virtual Worship Service Rev. Zackrie Vinczen, MinisterBryan Baker, Worship Associate The YouTube link to the service is: Sunday Worship Service. We often say we’ve found something in the last place we’ve looked, but what happens if we keep looking even after we find what (we think) we were looking for? Coffee Hour will follow the service.

“Music and Being”

Virtual Worship Service Susan T. Mashiyama, PhD, Guest SpeakerJenny Weaver, Worship Associate Music can move us to tears, help us to learn, call us to battle, and inspire us to dance with joy. As we move forward into the New Year, join former biology researcher and current UU music leader and harp player Susan T. … Continue reading “Music and Being”