Cedars Teams
The Cedars congregation is divided into six teams, mixed up enough so every team has young and old, on Island and greater Kitsap, working and retired, and new and longtime members. The purpose of the teams is to:
- Provide service to the church by working together to setup for the Sunday service.
- Provide opportunities for team members to get to know each other, support each other in times of need, and celebrate with each other in times of joy.
- Support Cedars and each other in living our UU values.
Each team has two Team Leaders and at least one liaison to the Pastoral Care Team. Our teams are named for the critters who eat the fish in Puget Sound. They are Blue Heron, Eagle, Harbor Seal, Orca, Osprey, and Sea Otter.
For more information contact CedarsTeams@CedarsUUchurch.org.