Category: Cedars Board

News about or from the Cedars Board

Article II of the UUA Bylaws: Purposes, Values and Inspirations

Every 15 years, Unitarian Universalist Congregations are asked to review Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Last June, delegates to General Assembly overwhelmingly (86%) voted to further explore the Purposes, Principles (Values) and Sources (Inspirations). This year, we will be asked to vote on whether to adopt them as a new foundation which ties UU’s … Continue reading Article II of the UUA Bylaws: Purposes, Values and Inspirations

Love at the Center

Five months ago, the congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association voted to move forward with more discussion and discernment regarding changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. These are more commonly referred to as the Seven Principles and Six Sources of Unitarian Universalism.  The Study Commission has submitted it’s Final Proposed Revision to Article II to the UUA … Continue reading Love at the Center

Safe Gathering at Cedars

Now, and going forward, Cedars will begin following the guidelines for Houses of Worship as a result of our Governor’s actions and an Island School Task Force review. What does this mean?   Masks are optional, but we will still welcome them for any reason (no judgment!).  Unvaccinated friends and members should please mask up when … Continue reading Safe Gathering at Cedars

The Belonging Initiative

Our Year-long Exploration of Promise and Possibilities At the congregational meeting last Sunday, the Cedars Board of Trustees presented the findings and recommendations of its year-long Belonging Initiative. The Initiative was started in January of 2021 with the significant objective of promoting and achieving a deeper sense of belonging among members and friends of the congregation.  … Continue reading The Belonging Initiative

Omicron Variant: Path Forward for Next Several Weeks

The year is ending as it started — with a dangerous virus spiking in our area. This time it’s Omicron and it’s on fire around the country. After consultation with medical experts; evaluating the rates of infection and positivity in Kitsap County; reviewing the UUA guidelines; and consulting with members of the Congregation, the Board … Continue reading Omicron Variant: Path Forward for Next Several Weeks

Board Leadership News

The Cedars Board held a retreat on Sunday September 12th. More details will be shared soon, but we want to provide you with a few highlights:  We welcomed Susan Shaffer to the Board. Susan will serve on the Board until June 2022. Thank you, Susan, for stepping up! Kassia Sing and Mike Cox will serve as Co-Presidents until … Continue reading Board Leadership News

Leadership News

Dear Cedars Community,This week multiple events in my family have converged to require my undivided presence and attention. I will be spending several months in Florida and unable to devote the required energy to my board responsibilities at Cedars.Consequently, I have resigned from the board, effective immediately. We have an extremely gifted and dedicated board! They … Continue reading Leadership News